There are many celebrities who are currently single, among them we get Selena Gomez, Jennifer Aniston among others, on one occasion Khloé Kardashian told her mother “Do not insist on looking for someone. I’m very happy at this stage and I don’t need to share it with a person”. And is that several artists have publicly expressed that they are not interested in having a serious relationship at the moment and that what they are looking for is to enjoy life.
This shows that in many cases the fact of being single is a completely personal choice, and the numbers also show that, as the years go by, more and more women are deciding to be single. For example, in Spain, according to recent data from the INE, 1 in 4 households is a single-person, showing that 53% of these people are women and that more than half of them are single or divorced.
And although every woman is different from each other as we all are for the most part, this makes it difficult to study a specific reason why every day there are more single women than before, but there are several factors that can explain this scenario.
Every day there are more women without a partner
One of the reasons for this is that nowadays “we tend to conform less than we used to” which explains a large part of the reason why many women are single today. This may be due to 2 important factors that make more and more women single every day, especially young women.
The first reason is that “Millennials” are always naturally exposed to interact with new people, much more so if compared to the previous generation, this is largely thanks to social networks and the possibility of connecting with new people, making it more and more difficult for young people to have a steady partner because this implies a “fear” of losing the freedom to do what they want.
The second reason for this singleness is that women are no longer looking for someone to “save them”, they want a partner to complement their life, which in itself being single is already quite optimal according to the data. Feminism has played a very important role in this, as it has helped women to escape from the social roles and romantic myths of the past and become more and more free.
Benefits of being single
In case you are single you will be interested to know that science has investigated the benefits of this and you will be surprised to know the many positive aspects that can be found.
Better resting
“The Better Sleep Council” conducted a study in which the results showed that people who did not have a partner, this meant that people who sleep alone, had more qualitative dreams.
The qualitative dreams are dreams where we can rest completely and without interruptions, this helps to improve our health and this is noticed in our appearance.
Reduced stress
This is a fairly subjective benefit but in most cases it has been shown that not having a partner and not having to be aware of another person helps to greatly reduce stress as we have less things to think about and be aware of.
Higher self esteem
Although we might think the opposite, in many cases being single helps us with our self-esteem, this is because being alone we learn to love ourselves, this is mainly because we are not aware of another person, and we focus directly on ourselves and on what makes us happy. Although in the same way this can be a very subjective point.
Possibility of gaining more experience
A last point but not the least important, is that being alone we are free to have new experiences making this we can enjoy many more things that would be impossible or very complicated to have if we have a partner.
Besides that, this helps us to become more confident of ourselves and our capabilities, due to the practice we get to be more experienced.