Will 2022 Be the Year of Travel?

This will be the definitive year to travel, see the world and start living new adventures again?

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic the whole world of tourism was turned upside down and it has taken a lot to get everything back to normal, today, 2 years since the beginning of the spread of the coronavirus, the sector is still in full recovery but more and more progress is being made to get everything back to normal with the new rules and contingencies that have come out. 

Due to these limitations there are many who are eager to embark on new adventures to discover new places and live new adventures, that is why we will tell you in this article if 2022 will finally be the ideal year to travel. 

Travel in 2022

In recent years the travel industry has seen that the road to recovery after this pandemic is not something linear because in that journey there have been certain drawbacks that have delayed progress, or have put them on hold, by the end of 2021 the travel industry recovered more than 50% of its gross activity, and if everything continues on the same path it is estimated that by the end of this year the recovery will reach 85%. 

This speaks of great progress, but also this has been achieved thanks not only to advances in contingencies and the release of vaccines against Covid-19, but also to the proposals that some airlines or countries have made to bring tourism back to life, many of these plans include new tours, price reductions and much more, making any destination even more attractive. 

Nowadays, in order to enter many countries, a vaccination card is usually requested, in which the doses of vaccines received are registered and the vast majority of countries ask for the totality of the vaccines to be able to transit in their country and enter in closed spaces, otherwise the entrance could be denied. 

What the public is willing to do in 2022

Travelport recently conducted a study in which thousands of people from different countries around the world participated to assess what the general public thinks about normalizing tourism worldwide, showing surprising data. 

The survey asked people’s level of enthusiasm about traveling again and what they would be willing to give up for a season of at least 8 months to achieve this: 

  • 71% of respondents are willing to give up concerts. 
  • 64% of respondents are willing to give up buying new clothes. 
  • 63% of respondents are willing to give up spa treatments. 
  • 60% of respondents are willing to give up watching movies at the cinema. 
  • 53% of respondents are willing to give up playing sports. 
  • 36% of respondents are willing to give up dining out at restaurants. 

This is quite positive data as it shows that people not only want to travel again, but are willing to do so to help improve the economy.  

The future of tourism

Tourism is currently at a point of growth that despite having stopped this sector, served to allow it to evolve and open new possibilities where health care is prioritized above all, these advances allow travelers to have a faster assistance wherever they go.

In addition to this, thanks to the quarantine times, internet connection started to be used much more to buy and plan everything giving this a huge advantage to tourism as you can get to plan a trip much more easily than before, and this although it is a possibility that already existed before, these years have revolutionized the apps being now more complete and easy to use than before. 

But in conclusion, everything is heading in the right direction so that not only tourism and travel return to normality as it was seen before the pandemic, but there are also many new possibilities that are opening up for experiences that are not only more complete, but also safer and easier to manage.